In preparation/Under review
- Rampinini, A., Balboni, I., Kepinska, O., Berthele, R., Golestani, N. (under review) NEBULA101: an open dataset for the study of language aptitude in behaviour, brain structure and function. [preprint]
- Golshani, S., Kepinska, O., Gholami, H., Golestani, N. (in revision) Neuroanatomy and bilingualism: Links between episodic memory and executive control.
- Licata, A., Kepinska, O., Berthele, R., Golestani, N., Borghesani, V. (under review). Mapping multiple forms to many meanings: the effect of cross-linguistic colexification on multilingual semantic knowledge, Registered Report (Stage 1).
- Ramoser, C., Fischer, A., Caspers, J., Schiller, N. O., Golestani, N., Kepinska, O. (under review). Neuroanatomical markers of language aptitude in the auditory cortex.
- Kepinska, O., Bouhali, F., Degano, G., Berthele, R., Tanaka, H., Hoeft, F., Golestani, N. (submitted). Intergenerational transmission of the structure of the auditory cortex and reading skills. [preprint]
- Caballero, J.*, Kepinska, O.*, Vukovic, N., Voeten, C., Hoeft, F. (in preparation). Multilingualism and development of phonological skills in kindergartners. [preregistration] [*joint first authors]
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Cui, A.-X., Kraeutner S.N., Kepinska, O., Motamed Yeganeh, N., Hermiston N., Werker, J.F., Boyd L.A., (accepted). Musical sophistication or multilingualism: What predicts Arcuate Fasciculus characteristics? Human Brain Mapping.
- Kepinska, O., Dalboni da Rocha, J.L., Tuerk, C., Hervais-Adelman, A., Price, C.J., Green, D., Golestani, N. (2023). Auditory cortex anatomy reflects multilingual phonological experience. eLife 12, 2023.06.16.545298. [preprint]
- Dalboni da Rocha, J.L., Kepinska, O., Schneider, P., Benner, J., Schneider, L., Golestani, N. (2023). Multivariate Concavity Amplitude Index (MCAI) for characterizing Heschl’s gyrus shape. Neuroimage 272, 120052. http://10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120052. [PDF]
- Kepinska, O., Caballero, J., Oliver, M., Marks, R.A., Haft, S.L., Zekelman, L., Kovelman, I., Uchikoshi, Y., Hoeft, F. (2023). Language combinations of multilinguals are reflected in their first-language knowledge and processing. Scientific Reports, 13, 1947. [PDF] [preprint] [preregistration]
- De Cat, C., Kašćelan, D., Prévost, P., Serratrice, L., Tuller, L., Unsworth, S., The Q-BEx Consortium (2023). How to quantify bilingual experience? Findings from a Delphi consensus survey. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 26, 112–124. [PDF]
- Jones, C., Collin, E., Kepinska, O., Hancock, R., Caballero, J.N., Zekelman, L., Vandermosten, M., Hoeft, F., (2021). Auditory Processing of Non-speech Stimuli by Children in Dual-Language Immersion Programs. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1–10. [PDF]
- Li, H., Kepinska, O., Caballero, J.N., Zekelman, L., Marks, R.A., Uchikoshi, Y., Kovelman, I., Hoeft, F., (2021). Decoding the role of the cerebellum in the early stages of reading acquisition. Cortex, 141, 262–279. [PDF]
- Hennessey, E-M., Kepinska, O., Haft, S.L., Chan, M., Sunshine, I., Jones, C., Hancock, R., Hoeft, F., (2020), Hair cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone concentrations: associations with executive function in early childhood. Biological Psychology, 155, 107946. [PDF]
- Marks, R.A., Kovelman, I., Kepinska, O., Oliver, M., Xia, Z., Haft, S.L., Zekelman, L., Uchikoshi, Y., Hancock, R., Hoeft, F., (2019). Spoken language proficiency predicts print-speech convergence in beginning readers. NeuroImage 116021. [PDF]
- Haft, S. L., Kepinska, O., Caballero, J. N., Carreiras, M., & Hoeft, F. (2019). Attentional fluctuations, cognitive flexibility, and bilingualism in kindergarteners. Behavioral Sciences, 9(5), 58. [PDF]
- Struys, E., Surmont, J., Van de Craen, P., Kepinska, O., Van den Noort, M., (2019). Bilingual language control across modalities. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 9, 542–568, [PDF]
- Struys, E., Woumans, E., Nour, S., Kepinska, O., Van Den Noort, M., (2019). A domain-general monitoring account of language switching in recognition tasks: Evidence for adaptive control. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 22, 606–623. [PDF]
- Kepinska, O., de Rover, M., Caspers, J., & Schiller, N. O. (2018) Connectivity of the hippocampus and Broca’s area during acquisition of a novel grammar. NeuroImage, 165, 1-100. [PDF]
- Kepinska, O., Pereda, E., Caspers, J., & Schiller, N. O. (2017) Neural oscillatory mechanisms during novel grammar learning underlying language analytical abilities. Brain and Language, 175, 99-110. [PDF]
- Kepinska, O., Lakke, E. A. J. F., Dutton, E. M., Caspers, J., & Schiller, N. O. (2017) The perisylvian language network and language analytical abilities. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 144, 96-101. [PDF]
- Kepinska, O., de Rover, M., Caspers, J., & Schiller, N. O. (2017) On neural correlates of individual differences in novel grammar learning: An fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 98, 156–168. [PDF]
- Kepinska, O., de Rover, M., Caspers, J., & Schiller, N. O. (2017) Whole-brain functional connectivity during acquisition of novel grammar: distinct functional networks depend on language learning abilities. Behavioural Brain Research, 320, 333–346. [PDF]
- Kepinska, O., & Schiller, N. O. (2016) Possible neural oscillatory mechanisms underlying learning. Cognitive Neuroscience, 1–2. http://doi:10.1080/17588928.2016.1205578. [PDF]
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- Sitar, A., Kepinska O., Bignardi, G., Golestani, N. (2023) Heritability of Heschl’s Gyrus. In E. Delgado Mas, et al., (eds.) Proceedings of the MEi: CogSci Conference (Comenius University Bratislava), p. 62.
- Kepinska, O. & Struys, E. (2012) Neural correlates of language aptitude during a lexical semantic categorization task. In Botinis & Antonis (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference of Experimental Linguistics ExLing 2012, pp.73-76.
- Kepinska O. & Caspers, J. (2012) Invloed van T1-klemtoonsystematiek op de klemtoonproductie in NT2. In: Bossers B. (Ed.) Vakwerk 8, Achtergronden van de NT2-lespraktijk. Amsterdam: Beroepsvereniging van docenten Nederlands als Tweede Taal. 57-72.
- Caspers, J. & Kepinska, O. (2011) The influence of word-level prosodic structure of the mother tongue on production of word stress in Dutch as a second language. In W.S. Lee & E. Zee (eds.) Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 420-423.
- Kepinska, O. & Maron, A. (2006) Kognitywny wizerunek uniwersytetu. Na podstawie badania ankietowego wśród studentów UWr [Cognitive image of the University. Based on a students’ survey at the University of Wrocław], Kultura i Historia (ISSN 1642-9826) nr 10/2006.
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